No website is permanent. Technology and user expectations change over time, so every website will need to be updated eventually. E-commerce websites are especially vulnerable to outdated design and functionality, so it’s important to keep up with the latest trends. Redesigning your website on a regular basis allows you to incorporate new developments that will keep your site relevant and user-friendly. So how do you go about doing this? While this may seem tricky at first, there are things you can do to make things easier. If this is something that you’re interested in learning more about, read on for five effective tips that will help you redesign your eCommerce website.

Pay Attention to Trends

What worked before won’t necessarily work again. This is why you’ll want to do your best to keep up with the latest design trends. It is important for eCommerce websites to have a contemporary and attractive design in order to encourage sales. This can be achieved by conducting market research to determine the design preferences of the target audience.

Keep Up with Developments in Cybersecurity

Security is always the top priority, followed by functionality. You need to make sure your site is secure and up-to-date with the latest security measures, as well as incorporating any new functionality that may be available. This will help you keep your customers’ trust and loyalty.

Plan Your Transfers and Redirects

When redesigning a website, you will need to transfer all existing content and sales data to the new site. Make sure to plan this process carefully to avoid losing any important information. Pay special attention to user data to make sure it is all accounted for.

When you create a new website, it’s important to transfer over all the SEO elements from your old site. This includes things like titles, headers, links, and redirects. This will help ensure that your new site doesn’t start from scratch with the search engines. However, once your new site is launched, the SEO work will still need to continue. Optimization should be an ongoing process.

Focus on Branding

When it comes to online shopping, people want to buy from brands that they know and trust. If you want to make sales with your eCommerce business, you need to create a strong branding strategy. Your branding is what makes your company unique, and it plays a big role in connecting with your target audience and driving sales.

Choose the Right Server

After you have finished redesigning your website, you will need to set up any new hosting arrangements and test everything to make sure it is working correctly. Once everything is checked and working, you can launch your new website.


As you can see, there are a slew of different things you can do to ensure a successful website redesign. While this may seem like a lot of work, improving your website will allow you to maximize revenue. Be sure to keep everything you’ve learned here in mind so that you can make the most informed decisions when redesigning your eCommerce website.

Fox Web Creations is a full-service online marketing, SEO, and website designing firm that offers a wide variety of digital services. If you are in need of web design in Kansas City, get in touch with us today!