Everyone — companies, consumers, students, and professionals — is shifting to a digitally-centered lifestyle, and business owners like you can’t afford to be left behind. 

One of the tools your business needs to flourish in the digital landscape is an eCommerce website. Enterprises are now reaching greater heights because of the trends and advancements in website development, particularly in the eCommerce industry. 

With that being said, more shops are focusing on tapping curated clients and having maximum sales with minimum investment. For this reason, eCommerce leaders based work with reputable eCommerce developers in Kansas City to ensure that their online platform is well-designed, up-to-date, and provides an impressive experience to users. 

However, like any strategy and approach, you may run into some mistakes that could affect your eCommerce business. Designing and developing a website comes with some hidden obstacles, and it’s vital that you, the designer and developer know the challenges and mistakes you may deal with. 

In this article, we’ll share with you some UI/UX mistakes you should avoid. Let’s jump right in!

Mistake #1: Complex Navigation

One of the factors that could turn off a consumer on your site is having too many buttons to click before they can actually take action on your website. When you’re discussing your site’s design, ensure that you make it clear that you want as minimum clicks as possible to make a purchase. 

Ideally, you want a simple and intuitive design for users. You can incorporate breadcrumb navigation to help visitors locate where they are on your website and return to previous pages they visited. This is why it’s crucial to work with an experienced eCommerce developer to ensure smart navigation and a clean user interface. 

Mistake #2: Poor Quality Photos and Descriptions

Another thing that affects your customers’ overall experience on your site is having poor quality images and product descriptions. Below are some factors you need to take note off:

  • Photos taking too long to load;
  • No call-to-action in descriptions;
  • Incomplete and confusing content;

Ideally, you want high-quality, optimized photos on your site that can help showcase your products and services. Besides that, having engaging descriptions and content will push your consumers to complete their purchase without any confusion and hassle.

Mistake #3: Missing Important Information

In some cases, business owners pay way too much attention to their products and services— they tend to forget to include important information, such as contact details, FAQs, and call-to-action. 

Based on an annual survey by Web Usability, 90% of respondents say that they leave a website when they can’t find the company’s contact information or phone number, leading to an increase in your bounce rate. 

To counter this, ensure that your contact information is up and ready for your visitors, utilize the FAQ section to ensure that your customers have the answer right away, and ensure that in every landing page, you have a CTA embedded to push your customers to purchase. 

Mistake #4: Complicated Check-Out Process

The check-out process of your website plays a crucial part in the effectiveness of your eCommerce website. Several factors help give your users a smooth and easy check-out experience:

  • The shopping cart is visible on every page;
  • Proper information, such as shipping fees and taxes, are presented;
  • Filling up information takes only a minute or two;

Here’s how you can improve your check-out process:

  • Making your check-out page mobile-friendly;
  • Provide multiple payment options;
  • Membership or login isn’t a requirement to complete an order;
  • Include security features at every step;
  • Request for relevant information.

The Bottom Line: ECommerce Websites Require Smart and Convenient Design for Optimal User Experience

Your website can make or break a user’s experience. For this reason, you need to ensure that your website avoids all of the mistakes we mentioned above. Doing so will reduce your bounce rate, improve your brand’s online reputations, and increase your sales and conversion rates. 

How Can We Help You?

Now that going digital is the smartest move for businesses, you must invest time and effort in developing and designing an effective eCommerce website for your company. Thankfully, Fox Web Creations can help you with that. 

We are a full-service online marketing, SEO, and website designing firm that can help you achieve your business goals and thrive in the digital landscape. If you’re looking for top-notch eCommerce developers in Kansas City, our team is ready for you. Get a quote from us today!