According to Forbes, e-commerce grew stronger in recent years. Other media outlets report the same thing and even say that it will continue to expand. With this said, has your business adopted measures to align it with online shopping?

An excellent method of doing this is to ensure a mobile-friendly website. The reason why it is necessary is that most people go online through their hand-held devices. These days, a lot of individuals shop via their mobile phones. 

With that said, here are some ways you can make your site mobile-friendly: 

Go for a Minimalistic Design

The first step to improving your website’s loading speed is to consider what UI elements to put on each page. This is to avoid information packing which overwhelms visitors and slows down your website’s loading page. 

If your website loads slowly on desktop, how much more for mobile devices? Adopting a minimalist design makes it easier for your website visitors to decide because they can quickly get information. 

In other words, you should make your website simple. Avoid colorful elements that may result in a complex version of your website. The easiest way to do this is to hire a reputable web design agency with years of experience.

Keep Navigation (and Menu) Simple

As mentioned earlier, you should keep your website’s design simple. Navigating an extensive menu or a page with multiple sub-menus on a smaller screen is challenging. 

Adding a lot of navigation elements to your website will likely increase the loading time of your website. In short, you should avoid using multiple menus for your website. 

A reputable web design agency would suggest trying static navigation. Its simplicity is visually appealing and will ensure that your website’s loading page will not slow down. 

Use Short and Precise Form Types

Put yourself in the shoes of someone who visits your website. Would you like to fill out a form that asks for information if it were you, especially if you are only using a mobile device? You must ask for only the necessary information. 

Remember to create simpler forms to make it easy for your users.  Let us say that you need to ask your users about their favorite colors. You can ask them separately. Again, do not clutter your forms with unnecessary information.  

If you ask for unnecessary information, visitors may leave your website without filling out the form. Consider using a drop-down menu for your form fields instead of multiple input boxes. You can use a combination of drop-down menus and input boxes to arrive at the best user experience. Also, keep the form fields short.

For example, if you ask for the person’s email address, you can only ask for the email address. You can even limit the characters to 40 or less. You can use a drop-down menu for the email address and use “Other” for all other fields.


Remember that you should always put the interests of your users in mind at all times. You may have to go with a trial-and-error method. A reputable web design agency can create a mock-up of your website using a visual content editor and play around with it to check for any areas for improvement. 

If you need a mobile-friendly website for your e-commerce business, you should talk with Fox Web Creations. We are one of the leaders of website design in Kansas City. Contact us now and let us help your business seamlessly adopt e-commerce.