Websites have now been the pinnacle of a business’s online existence. While anyone can open a social media account, not every business can hold its own website!

Because a website holds so much of your reputation as a brand, the design and content within it have to be compelling enough for the public to associate legitimacy with your brand. Given that, if you’re not getting enough visits a month, there may be some things wrong with it that would compel you to do an entire web redesign!

Why Would You Need a Web Redesign?

There are several reasons as to why you would need a web redesign, among which of them are:

Outdated Features

If you made your website as early as five years ago and haven’t changed it since, then that could be an indication that you’re behind the times!

A lot of websites have updated to a modern design in the past half-decade that website redesign became a must for most websites five years or older. Anything that looks dated can repel people from the site, which is exactly what you want to avoid. 

Poor User Experience

Websites that have too many pop-up ads or buttons to click that lead to nowhere are a problem. 

When your website loses its basic functions and annoys the user in the first five seconds they hop in, they’re not going to take their time to browse your other web pages. Aside from that, they would certainly be annoyed when they wait for a page to reload, only for them to be redirected elsewhere!

How to Start a Website Redesign Project: 3 Essential Steps

A website redesign is definitely something to invest in when you fail to get the conversions you’re looking for. Here are the basics of how web redesigning works:

Perform a Website Audit

To know what to improve on, you first have to make a full assessment of what is wrong. If there are essentials that you want to keep, you don’t have to get rid of them. 

A full website audit is usually performed by experts that test your website’s navigation, notes down the broken links and how to deal with them, and tells you what necessary design elements need to be replaced. 

Check Out Web Design Trends

Trends are the way to go when you want to give your web design a newer and more modern take. Unlike online trends, web design trends usually tend to stick around longer than two years, so you won’t have to undergo a full overhaul again. Any updates on design may be minimal.

Rewrite Your Web Copy

Besides your website’s look, you need to have a compelling sales copy to go along with it. This has to be evergreen and is often submitted to the designer beforehand so they can create the design to complement it rather than simply pasting it when it’s done. 

While the design of your website is the thing that catches initial attention, it’s good copywriting that makes people stay longer and eventually converts them into paying customers. 


Redesigning your website may be just the fix you need to get back on track with your online presence. Plenty of things have changed in the past few years, and it’s best to ride along with it rather than stay stuck in the past. This update may be the new coat of paint that your website needs to feel fresh, brand new, and trustworthy in the eyes of online users.

A full web redesign is a lot of technical work that calls for the services of the best Kansas City web designers. Fox Web Creations is a full service digital marketing company that offers web redesign services for any business, wherever you are in the world. Get a quote from us now!