Despite the changing algorithms, SEO is getting strong and powerful. The recent stats present a very promising picture of this technique. It says that nearly 93% of user experiences rely on the search engine results. This technique makes your website easily accessible for the spider bots of search engines. However, incorrect implementation of SEO can be fatal to the success of your enterprise. Here are the 5 strategies that can go haywire if not planned properly.

1. Wrong and/or Overstuffed Keywords:

Most businesses commit this common mistake of misusing keywords. Instead of using relevant words, they use redundant keywords which serve no purpose at all. Another horrible mistake is stuffing these keywords unnaturally throughout the text. As a result, the site is penalized by the search engines. While looking for local SEO in Kansas City, you should avoid these mistakes completely and hire the best agency to manage your keyword strategy.

2. Using Under-Optimized Images and Videos:

A website needs to be optimized with lots of amazing images and videos. But here again, there’s a catch. You need to add keyword-enriched and relevant text to these visuals to optimize them. This includes the file name, caption, image title, and alt description. The loading time for videos should be as quick as possible.

3. Using the Wrong Anchor Text:

Here, you need a healthy mix in your anchor text to make an impression. The clickable text of your website should include branded text links and long tail links, along with naked links. This way, it will point your users to the relevant content on your site as well as external websites.

4. Building Faulty Links:

Instead of creating too many backlinks from your site, you should focus on relevant links. Creating faulty links from penalized sites can be disastrous. Rather, focus on writing excellent quality and informative content. Also, share it with the influencers of your industry. You need to communicate with these influencers and build relationships with the authoritative sites. Never try to create more than 3-4 high-quality links on your webpage.

5. Failing to Engage Followers:

Instead of focusing on making tons of fans and followers, you should leverage social media to engage the active members. These members can share your content on other sites and build your websites’ reputation. You should attempt to engage your audiences and increase the site traffic.

These are some of the strategies that should never be followed. It is always better to hire the best SEO in Kansas City agency to handle this complicated task.