e-commerce website illustration

Working for an eCommerce company means your website is your most important digital asset. It serves as your sales machine and a key hub for customer engagement and education. Because of this, you should make it a point to create a web design that is easy to the eyes and appealing to your target audience. 

Your web design is crucial. It has the power to attract your customers and prospects, either encouraging them to stay on your website or chasing them away. Refining your eCommerce web design can increase your revenue and convert your leads into paying customers, and here are some ways to ensure it does so:


1. Showcase your bestsellers on your homepage

Your popular items that have sold well are likely to continue selling well. Therefore, it’s best to dedicate a bestsellers section on your homepage to help your customers see these products right away. Prospective shoppers who aren’t planning to buy might also be encouraged to make an impulse purchase as soon as they see those items.


2. Simplify your navigation

Your website navigation guides your visitors to access the information they need or get to the page where they want to go. By ensuring that your navigation is simple, clear, and brief and contains helpful menus, filters, and a search bar, you can provide your customers with an exceptional shopping experience. 

Increase your conversion rate and ensure a smooth user experience for your visitors by adding navigation links, submenus, or linked design elements on your homepage. Also, feature the most popular pages on your website. To determine these pages, check your website’s page path history to find out how people are clicking around from your homepage. 

You can also identify the most popular categories, lookbooks, and product pages among your audience by looking at the monthly traffic to specific web pages. If you’re unfamiliar with these features or you have no idea how to simplify your navigation, partner with our company that specializes in web design in Kansas City for an effective eCommerce website design.


3. Provide high-quality product photos

The major downside of online shopping is that customers cannot guarantee the exact appearance or quality of the products they purchase. This is also one of the biggest reasons that many people are uncomfortable with making an online purchase.

To connect with your customers, make them trust your store, and encourage them to buy from you, add high-quality product photos to your page. You can trust our web designers in Kansas City to highlight your products in the best possible way. We can help you show your items from multiple angles and in all available designs or colors and provide detailed descriptions. Doing this assures your customers that they will get their money’s worth every time they order from you. 


The web design of your eCommerce website has an impact on your sales and customer engagement, so make sure to follow the tips listed in this guide to turn it into an effective conversion engine and sales machine. If you need a helping hand in making a web design that delivers great results, hire skilled web designers like us.

Fox Web Creations is a company that specializes in online marketing, SEO, and web design in Kansas City. We offer our services worldwide. Contact us to get a quote!