SEO management

SEO Best Practice–Why Page Loading Speed Matters

Most website managers who care about things like page conversions have at least heard that page speed matters, but they may not be able to say why that’s so. What do you think? We all can relate to a website that simply stalls before loading content, or in another typical scenario, experience content that loads painfully slow. Most of us agree that either experience is annoying. But beyond annoying web visitors, let’s find out what the real consequences [...]

How Can I Make Sure My Content Is Original?

It is very important to make sure that all content on a site is original. There are three main reasons for content to be original. First- search engines value content that is original. Second- readers are looking for information that cannot be found on other sites. Third- it prevents writers from being accused of copyright infringement. For these reasons it is very important for SEO in KC, or any other website, that content management is applied. There are several elements [...]

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